River Tree Limited | Who We Are
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Who We Are

Learn about our history and work

Our Vision

THE RIVER TREE COMPANY is an Events and Staff Motivation Firm based in Nairobi, Kenya. Our vision is to convert every staff related event into a motivation tool to ensure an optimum work environment, associates who are fully engaged at work and a thriving business. At the bedrock of our engagement is a client centric approach to enriching Organizations, Businesses and Institutions towards long term sustainability and key focus on Staff Productivity, Organization Profitability and Social Responsibility & Accountability.
Our vision is to give every event a fingerprint experience and keep it alive to the end. We endeavor to deliver a series of once-in-a-lifetime memories, stitched together by meticulous processes and seasoned with unrelenting professionalism.
With over 10 years experience in events, training and hospitality management, and a reach of over 500 different events to our name, our mission is to deliver an event with audacious creativity and spot-on execution while employing every resource at our disposal.

Our Promise

To give your event a fingerprint experience and keep it alive non-stop to the very end. To achieve this we endeavor to deliver a series of once-in-a-lifetime memories, stitched together by meticulous processes and seasoned with unrelenting professionalism and audacious creativity.